The Lecture

to the deprivation

death is bad,

because of the fact that it deprives 

us of the good things in life, insofar as we would have continued to get good things in life. But if life would no longer have anything good to offer you, if what you then would have had would have been something negative instead of something positive, then at that point, dying wouldn't actually be a bad thing. It would be a good thing. Death is bad insofar as it deprives you of a chunk of life that would have been good.
              Insofar as it deprives you of a future that would have been bad, then death's not actually bad,

it's actually good. 

The Note

How could I forget, May 18th of this year. I received the following pronouncement from a cardiovascular doctor at Musashino Red Cross Hospital. "It's the latter stages of pancreatic cancer. It's metastasized to several bones. You have at the most half a year left to live." My wife and I listened together. It was a fate so unexpected and untenable, that the two of us together could barely take it. I used to honestly think that "I can't help it if I die any day." Still, it was so sudden.


Lets meet again soon.

Hey! Just checking in. Are you doing okay? Hey! Just checking in. Are you doing okay? Hey! Just checking in. Are you doing okay? Hey! Just checking in. Are you doing okay? Hey! Just checking in. Are you doing okay? Hey! Just checking in. Are you doing okay?
Hey! Just checking in. Are you doing okay? Hey! Just checking in. Are you doing okay? Hey! Just checking in. Are you doing okay? Hey! Just checking in. Are you doing okay? Hey! Just checking in. Are you doing okay? Hey! Just checking in. Are you doing okay?